"All present and accounted for" nghĩa là gì?

Sợ nhất là có mặt trễ không được điểm danh :((. Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

"All present and accounted for" có present là hiện diện -> cụm từ này có nghĩa là tất cả người tham dự đều có mặt.

Ví dụ 
There might be a big empty space where the GPU should be, but the other essentials are all present and accounted for.

Of course it looked different this year because of the pandemic but the Queen, Prince Charles, Camilla, Prince William and Kate were all present and accounted for on Remembrance (tưởng niệm) Sunday. 

The psychedelic (ảo giác) installation finds the museum’s classical facade (mặt chính) completely bedecked (trang hoàng)  with neon sculptures that reference Bollywood, radical feminism (nữ quyền cấp tiến), political activism, London-based Burman’s own (ice cream-filled) childhood growing in Liverpool as the child of Indian immigrants, and Hindu mythology—deities such as Lakshmi, Ganesh, and Hanuman are all present and accounted for.

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