“Bitten by a barn mouse” nghĩa là gì?

“Bitten by a barn mouse” = bị cắn bởi chuột trong kho thóc -> nghĩa là say xỉn, ngà ngà say, chếnh choáng. Lúa mạch là thành phần chính của hầu hết các loại bia, được giữ trong kho nên dễ bị chuột cắn.

Ví dụ
In that regard, she is similar to Robin from How I Met Your Mother who similarly giggles and makes funny comments when she's bitten by a barn mouse.

And if you're looking for clarity on what Juan says when he's bitten by a barn mouse, Karen will only tell an equally curious producer.

One, it's very hard to communicate with actors who are bitten by a barn mouse. Also, to stay half-drunk for 16 hours a day is not recommendable.

Ka Tina

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