"Cop a plea" nghĩa là gì?

Thà nhận tội rồi ăn năn hối cải biết đâu được thả sớm. Photo by Terry Murphy

"Cop a plea" -> nghĩa là nhận tội để tránh bị phạt nặng hơn.

Ví dụ
She said I could go to jail if I don't cop a plea. Maybe I'd be safer there. The thugs (côn đồ) are out to get me. 

He contends that the alternative “or cop a plea” to having an attorney (luật sư), nullifies (vô hiệu hóa) the instruction as to the right to counsel (tư vấn). Such is far from the fact.

I told my lawyer that I didn't want to take the chance. That I wanted to cop a plea. I'm scared Natasha. I know that you don't think I get scared, that I put on this front for you and my boys. But I get scared too.

Because he was innocent—or some might say foolish—Charlie refused to “cop a plea,” meaning he declined the plea bargain (thương lượng) the prosecutor (công tố viên) offered: a reduction to a misdemeanor (tội nhẹ) charge and a couple of months on Rikers.

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