“Crime doesn't pay” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Astrid

“Crime doesn't pay” -> nghĩa là tội phạm luôn bị trừng phạt vì tội ác của chúng; 'ông trời có mắt'.

Ví dụ
“This taskforce (lực lượng đặc nhiệm) will truly prove that crime doesn’t pay,” said Katrina W. Berger, who oversees Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) operations in Georgia and Alabama. “HSI Atlanta and its partners are committed to hunting down these criminals that are stealing the resources and benefits that have been set aside to help people in our communities.”

Crime doesn’t pay, but California pays criminals. A few days before Thanksgiving, a group of district attorneys revealed that at least 20,000 inmates (bạn tù) in California’s prisons and jails could give thanks for the state’s chronically inept Employment Development Department. The department approved at least $400 million in payments on pandemic (đại dịch)-related unemployment claims filed under the names of inmates between March and August. The claims included 133 of the 700-plus inmates dwelling on death row.

Crime really doesn’t pay, especially if would-be criminals aren’t exactly rocket scientists. There’s a good reason why the declaration (lời tuyên bố) that “crime doesn’t pay” has become an adage (châm ngôn). Statistics would indicate that attempts at committing a crime usually are unsuccessful. Sure, there are exceptions to that statement, but, more often than not, it’s not the case....

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