"Failure teaches success" nghĩa là gì?

Giống như 'vấp ngã ở đâu, đứng lên ở đó'. Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

"Failure teaches success" -> nghĩa là 'thất bại là mẹ thành công'.

Ví dụ 
Like many startups from scratch (từ con số không; từ bàn tay trắng) and other successful, Airbnb has helped us absorb the lesson of "failure teaches success".

People often say, 'failure teaches success', but failure 2 or 3 times and yet not seeing success anywhere is sometimes trying too hard to go the wrong way, wasting money is not worth it!

If you failed, then dispirit (chán nản) and quit (bỏ cuộc), you will truly fail. But if you treat the failure likes a chance to learn and understand why you failed. From that, you can improve and adapt a plan; it called: "Failure teaches success".

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