Bất bình đẳng mức sống ở nông thôn qua sử dụng đất nông nghiệp của hộ gia đình

1% nông trại quản lý/vận hành 70% các cánh đồng trên thế giới...
One per cent of the world’s farms operate 70% of crop fields (cánh đồng hoa màu), ranches (trại nuôi gia súc) and orchards (vườn cây ăn quả), according to a report (báo cáo) that highlights (nhấn mạnh) the impact (tác động) of land inequality (bất bình đẳng đất) on the climate and nature crises.

...Taking the rising value of property (giá trị tài sản) and the growth of landless populations (dân số ko sở hữu đất) into account for the first time, the report calculates land inequality is 41% higher than previously believed.

...Landlessness was lowest in China and Vietnam, and highest in Latin America, where the poorest 50% of people owned just 1% of the land.

Asia and Africa have the highest levels of smallholdings, where human input tends to be higher than chemical and mechanical factors, and where time frames are more likely to be for generations rather than 10-year investment cycles. Worldwide, between 80% and 90% of farms are family or smallholder-owned. But they cover only a small and shrinking part of the land and commercial production.

Over the past four decades (since 1980s), the biggest shift from small to big was in the United States and Europe, where ownership is in fewer hands and even individual farmers work under strict contracts (hợp đồng hà khắc) for retailers (bán lẻ), trading conglomerates (tập đoàn thương mại) and investment funds (quỹ đầu tư).

Ward said these financial arrangements are now spreading to the developing world, which is accelerating (tăng tốc) the decline of soil quality (giảm chất lượng đất), the overuse (sử dụng quá mức) of water resources (nguồn nước), and the pace of deforestation (tốc độ phá rừng).
Tags: economics

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