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tên ăn trộm (xe oto) cố chạy thoát khỏi cảnh sát đã... ngã vào đống phân... :D

“Thanks to determined officers a rescue (cuộc giải cứu) ensued, and they all ended up safe, but covered in cow poo (phân bò),” the department added, along with a poop emoji.

Making matters worse for the hapless (rủi ro, không may) man, his feculent (thối, hôi, cáu bẩn) pants were pulled down a little during his escapade (hành động phiêu lưu, sự tư do phóng túng), partially revealing his underwear as he stood cuffed (bị còng tay) in front of an officer.

Facebook users continued to dump on the man after his embarrassing (đáng xấu hổ) predicament (tình thế khó khăn, tình huống khó chịu, tình trạng khó xử)

“Didn’t come up smelling of Roses then,” one wrote.

“Well dung,” another said to the cops who took no crap.

Tags: funny


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