"Free-range parenting" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Dimitri on Unsplash

"Free-range parenting" -> nghĩa là cách giáo dục con cái bằng cách cho chúng độc lập để hình thành sự tự tin, tính sáng tạo, và kĩ năng xử lý tình huống. 

Ví dụ
This is the form of ‘helicopter parenting’ most often counterpoised (bằng với) to so-called free-range parenting. It is also one that seems likely to lend itself to relatively straightforward solutions, such as debunking (vạch trần) fears about stranger danger or abduction (bắt cóc). This is the approach used by Lenore Skenazy in her book Free-Range Kids.

This “can do” family culture has taken them and their children some interesting places — running marathons and climbing mountains, for example — but Ben Crawford admits their radical (quyết liệt) free-range parenting today is partially the recoil (dội lại) from the authoritarian (độc đoán) parenting they adopted young in their marriage.

Free-range parenting aims to foster (thúc đẩy) independence (độc lập) in children by giving them greater autonomy (tự quản) and less adult supervision. It is not a total abdication (từ bỏ) of rules, the way permissive (tựu do) parenting is.

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