"Hand on a plate" nghĩa là gì?

"Hand someone on a plate" = đưa ai đồ trên đĩa -> nghĩa là chỉ cần "ăn sẵn", không nỗ lực làm.

Ví dụ
The team's defense has been atrocious (tệ hại) today, handing a win to their opponents on a plate.

If I can get the government to subsidize (trợ cấp) my project, I'll have my yearly earnings handed to me on a plate.

Even the presidency (chức vụ Tổng Thống) was handed to him on a plate. He had had everything, the whole world handed to him on a plate.

"Since I love each other until now, only I cook and she eat but she just had hand on a plate" - a few lines in the article made many people argumentative.

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