"His mind goes blank" nghĩa là gì?

Tức cái mình mỗi lần định nói gì cái tự nhiên quên mất :(((.Photo courtesy : Kelly Sikkema

"His mind goes blank" = đầu óc trống rỗng -> nghĩa là bỗng nhiên quên/không nhớ ra điều gì.

Ví dụ 
She went to introduce her husband to the producers, but her mind went blank when she tried to remember their names.

Even though I'd been preparing for the interview for days, my mind went blank as soon as they started asking questions.

Charlie Blackmon has built his brand as a bearded (có râu) batting champion with a zen approach (tiếp cận), one readied by the preparation invested in his craft (kỹ thuật) before and after his mind goes blank for each incoming pitch (cú ném).

One post here reads: “Trump is lost & disoriented (mất phương hướng) here. His mind goes blank and he doesn’t remember what he’s supposed to do next. He’s deep into his degenerative neurological disease (bệnh thoái hóa thần kinh), mindlessly lumbering (lơ đễnh) and zigzagging (đi ngoằn ngoèo) in the grass towards a puddle.

Thùy Dương

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