“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Andrew Seaman

“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times” -> nghĩa là nhắc ai đó quá nhiều lần (gắt gỏng, cáu kỉnh).

Ví dụ
Telling or instructing does none of these things. It stifles creativity and innovation and encourages a culture of dependency on the leader, seeing them as the person with all the answers. If you've ever found yourself saying (or thinking) 'how many times must I tell you?' or 'if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times!' you'll know this to be true.

I put it down to jealousy because she often finds us gazing into one another’s eyes and she wishes I would do the same with her. “Enough is enough,” she said to me when my mate had gone. “He spends every moment of the day with you and if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times. I don’t want that dog on our bed.” There really is no point arguing with her when she gets in one of those moods.

If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times–cheques (ngân phiếu, séc) are expensive! According to research by Deloitte, the total cost to the economy for all the cheques Canada cuts each year is $5.8 billion. Prepaid is not only significantly cheaper–an electronic payment costs less than a dollar–it also offers a plethora (trạng thái thừa thãi) of other advantages over both cheques and alternative cashless transactions (giao dịch thay thế không tiền mặt). Combining the benefits of old-world cheques with new-age digital payments, prepaid is a secure, traceable (có thể theo dõi qua dấu vết), and auditable form of payment that is reliable and fast. With more than 550 million Canadian cheques produced each year by businesses and government agencies, there is a large, untouched market opportunity in Canada for emerging payments like prepaid.

Ka Tina

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