"Live at his expense" nghĩa là gì?

"I still live at my mother's expense" :(( . Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

"Live at his expense" -> nghĩa là sống ăn bám vào ai.
Ví dụ 
The only thing I didn't do again was to live at your expense.

You are fed up (chán ngấy) with the authorities and and its leaders. You are fed up with the crooks (kẻ gian) and thieves who live at your expense.

He's on welfare. He lives at our expense, we pay taxes and he doesn't do a fucking thing. Twice a month he goes to the clean, spacious welfare office at 1515 Broadway and receive his checks.

If you can offer your tenant (người thuê) somewhere else to live at your expense during the time of the repair, then this seems reasonable. If the tenant suggests a hotel or other accommodation, which is what an insurer (công ty bảo hiểm) often provides in similar situations, then you will have to reach some kind of compromise (thỏa thuận) if you want to get on with getting the work done. 

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