"On your own account" nghĩa là gì?

Muốn thành công phải biết đứng lên sau khi vấp ngã! Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

"On your own account" -> nghĩa là vì lợi ích của riêng mình/ sự nguy hiểm của riêng mình.

Ví dụ 
If you work on your own account, you do it because you want to and without being asked and you take responsibility for your own action.

Sole trader (self-employment) is the simplest. You work on your private own account, either under your own name or a different trading name, and are entitled to all profits, but are on your own account for all debts.

If you are a genuine professional contractor (nhà thầu), freelancer, interim (tạm thời) or consultant (tư vấn viên) who is in business on your own account, you should have nothing to fear from IR35 or Off-Payroll. This is so long as you take the time to understand how the legislation works and work with clients who are prepared to treat you fairly.

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