"Roll in wealth" nghĩa là gì?

"Roll in wealth" -> nghĩa là cực kỳ giàu có; được hưởng lợi ích, xa hoa.

Ví dụ
Now, the poverty riddled Kim family roll in wealth and luxury. 

The ‘Madams’ roll in wealth. With their trade and wealth they also buy influence in high places, and are able to get away lightly. 

The general introduction of spendthrift (hoang phí) trusts would be to form a privileged (có đặc quyền) class, who could indulge (lạm dụng) in every speculation (sự đầu cơ), could practise every fraud, and, provided they kept on the safe side of the criminal law, could yet roll in wealth. They would be an aristocracy (quí tộc), though certainly the most contemptible aristocracy with which a country was ever cursed.

Thùy Dương

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