"Stay the pace" nghĩa là gì?

"Stay the pace" -> nghĩa là vẫn giữ tiến độ công việc khi căng thẳng, áp lực.

Ví dụ 
Regardless of whether it is a heavy field or not, the need to stay the pace with the Lions is one of the reasons we have gone.

The St Nazaire displays on how we might create a different future, one dominated by green choices, hopefully inspire visitors who stay the pace, to rethink what they have seen at the pens, the yards and the Airbus assembly halls.

The failed abduction of her governor (thống đốc) sometimes in 2003 was one such issue that required less of the approach she employed in dealing with the problem. However, with sufficient dose of the Anambra spirit, she easily springs back from every crisis to stay the pace.

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