Thôi xong

tờ china daily viết rằng trong 8 năm qua, 72 tỷ phú ở nước này chết vì nguyên nhân không tự nhiên... (bài năm 2011)

-> jack ma giờ như nào nhỉ?

Which means that if you're one of China's 55k current billionaires, as listed on the 2011 Forbes Billionaires List, you should be more than a little nervous.

Mortality rate notwithstanding, what's more disturbing is how these mega wealthy souls met their demise. According to China Daily, 15 were murdered (bị giết), 17 committed suicide (tự tử), seven died from accidents (tai nạn) and 19 died from illness (ốm). Oh, yes, and 14 were executed (xử tử). (Welcome to China.)

I don't know about you but I find it somewhat improbable that among such a small population there could be so many "suicides," "accidents" and "death by disease" (the average age of those who died from illness was only 48).

Bài trước: Oải rồi
Tags: china

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