"As mute as a fish" nghĩa là gì?

"As mute as a fish" -> nghĩa là câm như hến.

Ví dụ 
They say that they hear armed (vũ trang) groups from B-G brutally (tàn nhẫn) killed people, burning crops and houses, but the Oromia government stayed "as mute as a fish".

Cornelius would keep on slinking (lượn lờ) through the doorways, across the verandah (hiên nhà) and back again, as mute as a fish, and with malevolent (thâm độc), mistrustful (nghi ngờ), underhand (nham hiểm) glances. 

He would suddenly purse up his mouth (nhếch miệng) in a pointed but ludicrous (lố bịch) fashion whenever Boswell came into the room, and sit as mute as a fish till that angler (người câu cá) for anecdote (chuyện vặt) and repartee (đối đáp) had left it.

Thùy Dương
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