Đề nghị nộp hai mẫu CMND

dân làng bihar mang xác đến ngân hàng để đòi tiền hỏa táng...

Since the deceased (người quá cố) had not named a nominee, bank officials had expressed their inability (không có khả năng, không thể) to release (tha, thả, phóng thích, giải thoát) the money. Infuriated (tức điên lên) villagers laid the body inside the bank for three hours.

Later, when the local police intervened (can thiệp), the bank officials gave ₹10,000 to the villagers under their Corporate Social Responsibility fund for the cremation (hỏa táng). The man had ₹1,17,298 in his account.

Bài trước: Ôm cột nhà ngay
Tags: funny


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