"Bloom of youth" nghĩa là gì?

"Bloom of youth" = tuổi trẻ nở rộ -> nghĩa là giai đoạn đáng nhớ, thành công nhất của thời thanh niên, tuổi trẻ.

Ví dụ
But more I cannot wish you than to wish you find your love, your own true love this day, standing there, gazing (ngắm nhìn) at you, full of the bloom of youth - standing there, gazing at you with a sheep's eye and a licorice (cam thảo) tooth.

Their bodies may be weary (mệt lử) sometimes, and their faces may no longer carry the bloom of youth (though this is so often replaced, if only the world could see it, by something richer and more beautiful). 

Sisters Who Make Waves tends to whet (khuấy động) this appetite of the audience. Rather than beautiful girls in the bloom of youth, the reality show, in a break from tradition, focuses on the charm of mature (trưởng thành) women.

Take for example the Greek God, Narcissus, a hunter, who was known for his beauty and was fixated (gắn bó) with his physical appearance. The story goes, one summer he got thirsty after hunting. In a water pool, he leaned over and saw himself in the bloom of youth. 

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