"Blow the coals" nghĩa là gì?

"Blow the coals" = thổi than -> nghĩa là đổ thêm dầu vào lửa.
Ví dụ 
Stop trying to blow the coals! There is no tension between him and me—you're imagining it!

Mr Trump tweeted "blowing the coals" after a crowd of supporters stormed parliament building. Although before that, the incumbent US President has a series of tweets calling for supporters to go home in peace.

Such men will never blow the coals of strife (xung đột), nor seek the overthrow of our government. Those who cordially (chân thành) adopt the principle that “it is better to suffer wrong than do wrong” are not the men by whom our government will be demolished, or the public tranquility (sự yên ổn) endangered. 

Pompeo's statement made the already strained US-China relationship even more complicated. The United States "blew the coals" when it announced that the US Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft would visit the island. The trip was later canceled, but Craft called Taiwanese leader Thai Anh Van, expressing support for the island.

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