"Fall into disuse" nghĩa là gì?

Thời nay ai còn dùng chiếc tivi này nữa :D. Photo by Sven Scheuermeier on Unsplash

"Fall/come into disuse" -> nghĩa là ít sử dụng hay bị bỏ đi không dùng đến.

Ví dụ 
Istanbul’s doomed sea taxis fall into disuse, disrepair.

The pump had fallen into disuse and the joints had rusted solid. Since my books had fallen into disuse, I sold them to a used-book dealer.

These new patterns have entered the grammar of English and need to be part of speakers’ linguistic knowledge if they wish to discuss Brexit although some of these patterns might well fall into disuse once we talk about Brexit less.

Only narcissistic (tự yêu mình) authoritarians attempt to lead by force. Everybody else knows that it will only be a matter of time before rules proclaimed (tuyên bố) for rules sake either fall into disuse or, just as likely, are overthrown (lật đổ).

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