"Fall into error" nghĩa là gì?

"Fall into error" -> nghĩa là cư xử không đứng đắn, sống sai; nghĩa khác là bị lầm lẫn.

Ví dụ 
If we Christians say either of these things without the other, we fall into error. 

When I went off to college, I fell into error—that's why I've moved back home now.

Right now you feel a lot of noise around you, but don't obsess because, in reality, they are not saying anything interesting. Sometimes it is preferable to keep quiet and not fall into error.

To put it simply, judges are not infallible (không thể sai được). It follows that the Supreme Court in so far as it "embodies" justice will never fail to deliver justice but in so far as it fails to do so it will definitely fall into error.

Thùy Dương 

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