"Find your voice" nghĩa là gì?

Đang tìm "tiếng lòng". Photo courtesy: Andrea Schuh

"Find one's voice" = tìm thấy giọng nói -> nghĩa là có khả năng nói được sau khi quá lo lắng hoặc nếu một người nghệ sĩ tìm được "giọng nói" thì có nghĩa là họ có thể diễn đạt suy nghĩ theo cách họ muốn.

Ví dụ
But as soon as we had found our voice again, we were once more interrupted by visits from Berlin.

As professionals we all need what Scott describes as Presencivity. Whether you feel as though you’re hiding and need to find your voice in order to begin presenting, or whether you have plateaued (trạng thái bình ổn) and need to develop an impressive personal presence that is both warm and professional so that everybody listens, this is a soft skill that we all need to develop.

The frenzied (điên cuồng) and unpolished writing of Tarantino is clearly visible here. Tarantino is trying to find his voice and finds an ostentatious (phô trương) yet crude (thô bạo) one in this film. As is later noticed in the Tarintinian-verse, the plot is gruesome, grisly, violent, filled with unique monologues, casual sexism, a garnish of racist comments, bombastic violence, uncalled for opening scenes and main characters who are loathsome (ghê tởm) yet lovable.

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