Điều cần làm ngay để không gặp nguy hiểm khi chơi Facebook

nếu đồng nghiệp cũ xin kết bạn thì chấp nhận ngay nhé, bị dọa giết vì mãi ko accept đấy... :D

Police allege that Caleb Burczyk, 29, sent a series of threatening texts and Facebook messages to Robert Allen Thomas, a 39-year-old resident of Williston, a city about 80 miles south of the Canadian border.

Burczyk, formerly worked with Thomas (and Thomas’s brother-in-law) for a company that maintains oil and gas wells (giếng). But after Thomas and his relative left to work for another firm, Burczyk was laid off and has remained unemployed (thất nghiệp).

Bài trước: Không gì thấp hơn
Tags: funny


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