Phân phối vaccines chống Covid-19 như thế nào?

bằng xe đông lạnh vẫn thường để chở... tinh dịch bò nhé :)
The Covid-19 pandemic (đại dịch) has seen many companies pivot to (chuyển hướng) producing personal protective equipment, ventilators (máy thở), and masks (khẩu trang). Now the Indian bull semen (tinh dịch bò) industry is looking at whether its refrigerated supply network (chuỗi cung ứng đông lạnh)—known as the cold chain—can help with vaccine distribution efforts.

The Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna need to be kept at extremely low temperatures due to their mRNA genetic material. The AstraZeneca vaccine needs to be kept cold, but not as cold the other two. The tropical temperatures that cover much of India create a challenge (thách thức) to the upcoming (sắp tới) nationwide vaccination effort (nỗ lực tiêm chủng toàn quốc). It’s a logistical challenge the country’s bull semen industry is familiar with and wants to help solve.

Tags: health

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