"Keep him in line" nghĩa là gì?

"Keep (one) in line" = giữ trong hàng -> nghĩa là khiến ai phải hành động hay cư xử đúng đắn, theo khuôn phép.

Ví dụ
She also uploaded a snap of her in the bath, pouring Kylie Skin product into the water for bubbles to keep her in line with Instagram's Community Guidelines.

I continue to look to her for just guidance and feedback. And we've just got a whole bunch of powerful urban Native leaders here, who keep me in line, and aunties who tell me what I need to act right.

While Huck was willing to kill Tony to fulfill her mother’s mission, Huck isn’t the type who will stand for killing 9000 innocent men, women and children. Huck could be a big liability (trách nhiệm pháp lý) for Elizabeth and CRM, and not even family ties will keep her in line.

Thùy Dương

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