"Make so bold" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Dipesh Gurav

"Make so bold" = mạnh mẽ thế -> nghĩa là làm điều bất ngờ, liều lĩnh hoặc có thể không thích hợp; thường dùng sau câu hỏi để giảm nhẹ tính chất sự việc.

Ví dụ
It struck me that I might make so bold as to suggest that every driver, where possible, should cycle a few kilometres at least once a year to get a sense of what it is like to share the road with four-wheel vehicles. 

“We have noted that Cde Jacob Zuma will headline this programme at 5pm today and make so bold as to warn of the unsuitability (thiếu năng lực, không đủ tư cách) of choosing him to fulfil this important role,” wrote Randera, who said the letter was on behalf of ANC veterans and stalwarts (người đảng viên tích cực).

However, since 1979, when its economy was opened up under Deng Xiao Ping, with the slogan of "capitalism with Chinese characteristics", the economic modernisation has been influenced more by Chinese characteristics than the precepts (quy tắc, mệnh lệnh) of capitalism. However, at the individual level, the common Chinese believe that the shortest way to capitalism is through communism (cộng sản), and I make so bold as to also suggest that the Chinese leadership also believe in it without admitting as much.

Ka Tina

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