"Misplace my trust" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Dave Lowe on Unsplash

"Misplace my trust" -> nghĩa là đặt sai niềm tin vào ai rồi bị phản bội, thất vọng.

Ví dụ 
Millions of people misplaced their trust in the investment firm, only to have their life savings wiped away in the span of a few days after it used their investments to try to manipulate the market.

Tony Stark puts a lot of trust in women because he's very attracted to them. Through arrogance (kiêu ngạo), he could misplace his trust in a beautiful super-villain who could come along and easily defeat him.

He was simple, naive and, at the very first, trusting. It did not take him long to misplace his trust. He soon found that he was trusting the wrong people and, when this cost him money, it made him withdrawn (lãnh đạm) and sullen (ủ rũ), as well as poor.

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