“Not be whistling Dixie” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Andrew Butler

“Not be whistling Dixie” = không huýt Dixie (bài hát phổ biến của những người lính miền Nam trong cuộc Nội chiến Mỹ về việc tiếp tục hy vọng vào sự thành công của sự nghiệp đã sụp đổ) -> nghĩa (lóng) là có quan điểm thực tế và trung thực về điều gì, trái ngược với những người lạc quan thái quá.

Ví dụ
That Disney+ Marvel trailer that dropped on Super Bowl Sunday, though, gave us that first look — and hoo boy, Bettany is not whistling Dixie.

“In just about every speech they give examples of small businesses trying to do something and being blocked by government regulations,” said Lawrence Jacobs, a political scientist at the University of Minnesota. “The Republicans are not whistling Dixie here – they are sinking their teeth into very public angst (cảm giác lo lắng, tội lỗi) about government being too large.”

Bills were introduced, rushed through committee, then bounced to the floor for a vote day after day. Because we need to hurry is a poor excuse to bypass (bỏ qua, phớt lờ) a deliberative process, which is central to our democracy. Honest Abe wasn’t whistling “Dixie” at Gettysburg when he said, “A government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.” While the ballot box is being questioned, Colorado lawmakers should make sure elected representative government can be trusted, as well.

Ka Tina

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