"Of the blackest dye" nghĩa là gì?

"Of the blackest/deepest dye" -> nghĩa là mưu mô hắc ám hay 'tội tày trời'.

Ví dụ 
"Treason (phản quốc) of the blackest dye," General George Washington cried in 1780 in response to Benedict Arnold’s treasonous attempt to surrender (đầu hàng) West Point to the British. 

Beattie compiled a book arguing against the slave trade (buôn bán nô lệ) and substantiating the claim, as he wrote to a friend in 1788, that slavery must cease "to clear the British character of a stain which is indeed of the blackest dye."

What would men not do to be emancipated (phóng thích) from so deplorable (thương tâm) a state of subjection? Having thus once engaged in this service, it is evident they must be considered by the other part as apostates (người bỏ đạo) and traitors (kẻ phản bội) of the blackest dye.

Thùy Dương

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