"Rope of sand" nghĩa là gì?

"Rope of sand" = sợi dây bằng cát -> nghĩa là không khỏe mạnh, vững chắc hay ổn định như trông bề ngoài.

Ví dụ
The politicians are like magicians (ảo thuật gia). They control the common man’s will (ý chí). Depending upon them is like relying upon a rope of sand. There is a perception that only politicians can save the country since it is though people elect them.

Victorian traveller, Richard Ford, said that Spain is "a bundle of local units tied together by a rope of sand". And the truth is that a century and half later, many Spaniards are still arguing (bàn bạc) how to shape a nation, whilst not asking for total independence (độc lập).

"DoNo and Centerplan's claims are connected to the facts by a rope of sand. They fail because no reasonable (hợp lý) fact-finder could make the desired connection and rule in their favor," Moukawsher said. "Even viewing what they have submitted in the light most favorable to them, they have offered nothing to show genuine issues of material fact to be decided at trial."

“The Southern Baptist Convention, all they can do is give guidelines (nguyên tắc chỉ đạo),” Griffis said. “The adage when it was founded a long time ago was we’re basically held together by a rope of sand. We are Southern Baptist because we choose to be.”

Ngọc Lân

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