Mỹ kiện chính sách trợ cấp xuất khẩu của Trung Quốc lên WTO, để làm gì?

hay cứ để vậy đi, cần gì kiện...

china càng trợ cấp thì càng ko có tiền cho quân đội, dừng gây hấn chứ sao...
This letter addresses one of the countless zombie myths (huyễn hoặc) about trade:

Mr. Crosby:
You ask: “How do free trade principles (nguyên tắc tự do thương mại) deal with a powerful foreign country like China unfairly subsidizing (trợ cấp không công bằng, không theo các nguyên tắc bình thường) its exports to us and using the profits to build its military up?”

The assumption that sparks your question is widespread but mistaken (sai lầm trong ý kiến). Sales made only because of subsidies bring in revenues less than the full costs of producing the goods that are sold. To subsidize such export sales, Beijing acquires the necessary resources from the Chinese people. By orchestrating subsidies, Beijing thus inflicts losses on the Chinese people and makes the Chinese economy weaker than it would be without such subsidies.

Further, the country that gains from such subsidies is the United States: We Americans get valuable goods from China at prices less than we’d have to pay otherwise.

The higher are Beijing’s subsidies and tariffs, the weaker the Chinese economy and, hence, the fewer are the resources available to Beijing for military uses. Therefore, to the extent that we Americans worry about Beijing building up its military, we should actively encourage Beijing not only to continue, but to increase, its subsidization of Chinese exports and to further raise its tariffs on imports into China. And the last thing that we should do is to “retaliate” (trả đũa) with our own subsidies and tariffs – policies that would only weaken our economy.

Donald J. Boudreaux
Professor of Economics


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    Trung Quốc