"Tell the whole world" nghĩa là gì?

"Tell the whole world" = nói cho cả thế giới biết -> nghĩa là tiết lộ, lan truyền (thông tin) cho nhiều người.

Ví dụ 
For Bangladeshi women, it took 40 years to break their silence, but the Rohingya women were ready to tell the whole world what had happened to them, how it happened and who did it.

The fact that both of them wanted to subvert (lật đổ) the will of the people, wanted to tell the whole world and the United States, that we did not have an honest election. I cannot imagine any senator doing that and then serving on Judiciary (Tư pháp).

A Cook County prosecutors (công tố viên) said in court Monday that Ramona Martinez-Ayala discovered naked pictures of her husband's mistress, when he failed to log out of his Facebook account and she was "so angry" that she decided to "tell the whole world about it" by publicly posting the explicit images on Facebook.

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