Anh ấy thật nhiều bạn

mang 3.200 viên viagra (trị giá 100.000 usd) qua sân bay chicago, khi bị bắt giữ nói là... mua tặng bạn :))

việt nam thì khỏi cần, cứ ra tiệm thuốc hỏi loxmen của traphaco nhé... ;)
A man allegedly (bị cáo buộc) attempted (cố gắng) to go through customs (hải quan) at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport Thursday carrying 3,200 erectile dysfunction (rối loạn cương dương) pills he claimed were for his friends.

...Agents seized the pills Thursday upon the passenger’s return from India. When agents asked the man why he had the tablets, he said they were for his friends.

“Officials said prescription medications (thuốc kê đơn) manufactured in non-regulated (không được quản lý) foreign companies often contain dangerous contaminants (chất gây ô nhiễm) or ineffective compounds (hợp chất không có tác dụng),” WGN 9 reported.

No charges were filed regarding the incident, and the passenger later boarded another flight to Savannah, Georgia.

Bài trước: Áp lực quá
Tags: sex


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