Có vẻ có tác dụng

làm khẩu trang từ giấy vệ sinh... :D

Officials learned on Wednesday that Viet Han Company Ltd was using large toilet paper rolls (cuộn giấy) at its factory (nhà máy) in the city.

The material (nguyên liệu) was used to replace an antibacterial layer usually found in masks, said Hoang Dai Nghia, chief of Team 1 at the Hanoi Market Surveillance (giám sát thị trường) Agency.

Hoang told the Vietnam Express that Viet Han Company sought to profit (lợi nhuận) off the COVID-19 pandemic (đại dịch), which has infected (lây nhiễm) more than 63,000 people in China and killed at least 1,380. Sixteen cases have been confirmed in Vietnam.

"This company is cheating consumers (lừa dối người tiêu dùng) amid the novel coronavirus outbreak (đợt bùng phát)," he said, adding that the company's stock was confiscated (bị tịch thu) and the agency is considering the highest penalties possible.

Viet Han Company is a printing and napkin company. It is not registered as a producer of medical supplies (thiết bị y tế).

Bài trước: Ngạc nhiên chưa
Tags: funny


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