“Be all roses” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Alisa Anton

“Be all roses” = trải đầy hoa hồng -> nghĩa là dễ dàng, thoải mái.

Ví dụ
Owatonna native Anna Redman will be competing for a man’s heart on national TV beginning Monday, but the show’s host suggests the experience may not be all roses.

If the Jazz win and Mike has a great game, then it will be all roses for the next few days. If Rubio owns Conley in the individual match-up and the Jazz give us another unconvincing performance, then we need to take a long hard look at all that we gave up just to acquire Conley from the Grizzlies.

“I don't think that it's going to be all roses — I think that there are challenges even with a Biden presidency with regard to how we’ll conduct our trading relationship,” Yussuff said. “I'm hoping a new administration would bring some stability. But I think as Canadians we are going to have to be prepared.”

Ka Tina

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