“Be done to a turn” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Martin Jernberg

“Be done to a turn” = làm một lần là xong -> nghĩa là làm xong, hoàn thành đúng với thời gian mong muốn.

Ví dụ
The recipe uses 7- to 8-inch metal or bamboo skewers; if you have the latter, soak them in water before you begin meal prep. Here’s why you need them: The chunks of fish cook more evenly, and the glaze will be done to a turn on all sides. (We tested the salmon pieces strewn on a pan; trust us!) They look nice on skewers as well, and portions are kind of automatic — which may or may not discourage your dining pals from spearing an extra piece or two.

I thought about all these things the two times I saw this season’s marvelous Stratford production of Waiting For Godot. (Which, by the way, I am very sorry not to have reviewed until now, though it seems to have sold very well without any help from me.) It is hard for me to imagine a better treatment of the play. Jennifer Tarver is one of my favorite directors, and Beckett is right smack in the middle of her wheelhouse. Tom Rooney and Stephen Ouimette are perfectly paired as Vladimir and Estragon, Rooney all long limbs in too-short pants and jacket, Ouimette’s face turned into the mask of a sad clown to match his baggy pants and unlaced boots. Every vaudeville (kịch vui, chương trình tạp kỹ) trick is done to a turn, even the hat-swapping bit in the second act.

It was Woolf who said, “One cannot think well, love well or sleep well if one has not dined well,” which seems like a call for a riotous shindig (cãi lộn om sòm) or at least a slap-up meal (perhaps made with a copy of Orlando in one hand). The mealtimes in her novels are sure to leave anyone with an appetite whetted for more than just her words; you could almost use To the Lighthouse as your recipe for boeuf en daube, such is the detail. (“The beef, the bayleaf, and the wine – all must be done to a turn. To keep it waiting was out of the question.”) This is a woman whose life was studded with anecdotes (chuyện vặt, giai thoại) about food: she was a keen pickler, once baked her own wedding ring into a cake and had a friendly rivalry (ganh đua, thù địch) with her sister over their bread-making skills. Not surprisingly, her (fraught) relationship with her cook was rich and complex enough to fill an entire biography.

Ka Tina

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