"Be off your chump" nghĩa là gì?

"Be off one's chump" có chump là cái đầu, người ngu đần, ngốc nghếch -> cụm từ này nghĩa (lóng) là phát điên, phát cuồng lên, mất trí.

Ví dụ
“He must be off his chump!” (Such a Faragey way to put it; it does sometimes feel as if his entire vocabulary was cribbed from a 1950s issue.

His first reaction was to tell me: “You must be off your chump,” a view also held, it has to be said, by the majority of his colleagues, but at least he and few others did me the honour of administering a skinful of the aforementioned medicine in the hotel bar the night before and into the small hours.

Rooted to the ground, meanwhile, and never close to take-off velocity (tốc độ, nhanh nhẹn), is Sparrow. When we meet him on the island of St Martin he is off his chump on rum and so down on his luck that he pawns the magic compass that guides the bearer to wherever they most wish to be. Clearly it doesn’t work in real life, or Depp would have been somewhere else. Anywhere else.

Ka Tina

Tags: phrase

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