"Burden of proof" nghĩa là gì?

"Burden of proof" = gánh nặng bằng chứng -> nghĩa là có nhiệm vụ phải cung cấp đầy đủ bằng chứng để buộc tội, kết án. 

Ví dụ
The burden of proof is the company’s responsibility (trách nhiệm). By considering all these elements, the ANSES had the right to deny extending the Tipi’s parallel trade permit (giấy phép) to Hungary, based on article 52 of EU regulation No 1107/2009, and for reasons relating to the safety of human and animal health and the environment.

This is why, for the impeachment (tốt cáo) trial of the 45th President, the burden of proof is on the impeachment managers and not the legal team of the former President.

Ranking member Ken Buck, R-Colo., said bipartisan (lưỡng đảng) regulation is possible for funding for antitrust regulators, as well as reforming burden of proof in merger cases.

That's not the case when it comes to a civil proceeding where they're taking his license away that has a much lower burden of proof they only need a preponderance (vượt trội) of the evidence to show that it's more likely than not he committed some violation.

Ngọc Lân

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