Đừng tin Biden

'dập dịch 10 ngày', không được đâu, tự đánh giá rủi ro và hành động hợp lý thôi...
In response to Biden saying that he believes, but doesn’t guarantee, that we’ll be approaching “normalcy” by the end of the year, Phil Magness correctly writes on his Facebook page that:

Your best bet is to ignore (bỏ qua, phớt lờ) him and everyone else who adheres to his position on this issue, including Fauci.

You know your own risk better than anyone else. Use that to make informed assessments of what risk-mitigation measures (biện pháp giảm thiểu rủi ro) you need to take, and go about your life accordingly while allowing others with different risk assessments to do the same.

The biggest mistake of the entire pandemic was the assumption that it could somehow be “solved” through the instruments of state-coordinated collective action.

As of 2/19, Sweden has 1,224 deaths per million without lockdowns (phong tỏa).

The UK has 1,798 deaths per million after 3 harsh lockdowns.

Tags: economics

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