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đừng cố "kiểm soát" chặt chẽ quá mức,

who tháng 11/2019 còn ra hướng dẫn 'truy vết tiếp xúc', cách ly, sàng lọc xuất nhập cảnh, đóng cửa biên giới không được khuyến nghị trong bất kỳ trường hợp nào mà...
Phil Kerpen warns of the dangerous and ignorance-bred hubris of lockdowners. A slice:

SARS-CoV-2 is a serious viral pathogen (bệnh học) for people who are very old or medically frail (yếu đuối, ẻo lả, dễ vỡ, mỏng mảnh). It wreaks havoc (tàn phá) in long-term care facilities — yet the places in the world with the highest death rates (Lombardy, Italy, the United Kingdom, New York, New Jersey, etc.) all implemented some version of deprioritizing residents of those facilities to keep hospital beds available for the general population.

For many people, however — and contrary to frequent misreporting — COVID is a relatively mild infection. For adults ages fifty to seventy, the CDC best estimate for the survival rate is 99.5 percent. From ages twenty to fifty, it is 99.98 percent, and for children and young adults under age twenty, according to the CDC, the survival rate is 99.997 percent — far less dangerous than seasonal influenza (cúm mùa).

...can we actually stop a respiratory virus that is widespread in the population?

Until this year, we knew the answer was no.

The CDC’s pre-pandemic planning guidance said, “the effectiveness of pandemic mitigation strategies will erode rapidly as the cumulative illness rate prior to implementation climbs above 1 percent of the population in an affected area.”

The WHO as recently as November 2019 published pandemic influenza guidelines that listed “contact tracing, quarantine of exposed individuals, entry and exit screening, and border closure” as “not recommended in any circumstances.”

Tags: health

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