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tưởng nhớ đến alan turing chăng :)
In 1954, computer scientist (nhà khoa học máy tính) and brilliant mathematician (nhà toán học xuất chúng) Alan Turing died after biting into an apple laced with cyanide—a real-life version of Snow White and the poison apple (quả táo tẩm độc).

It’s long been assumed (cho là) that it was suicide (tự tử), perhaps because he was frustrated (tuyệt vọng) and overwhelmed (lẫn lộn cảm xúc) by the chemical castration (thiến hóa học) the British government forced upon him after he admitted (thừa nhận, thú nhận) to having a sexual relationship (quan hệ tình dục) with a man, which was against the law at the time. Recently, some have speculated that Turing’s death-by-apple wasn’t necessarily intentional (cố tình, có chủ tâm). He was known to be careless (sơ suất, lơ đễnh, cẩu thả) with his experiments (thí nghiệm), and accidentally inhaling cyanide or accidentally placing an apple in a cyanide puddle wouldn't have been outside of the realm of possibilities. Still another theory is that British Security Services considered Turing a high security risk (rủi ro cao về an ninh) because he was gay, and may have sabotaged him rather than risk that Turing would spill (làm lộ, tiết lộ) government secrets (bí mật chính phủ) or defect (đào tẩu) and work for the enemy.

Whatever happened, the fact remains that a half-eaten apple (quả táo cắn dở) was found by Turing’s bedside...

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