Chưa biết tới Bona Bếp Hồng rồi

khảo sát toàn cầu năm 2020 xác định anh và scotland đứng đầu bảng xếp hạng về bợm nhậu...
The Global Drugs Survey (GDS) for 2020 placed England and Scotland at the top of its international league table of how often people get so drunk that they slur their speech (nói líu nhíu) and lose their balance (mất thăng bằng).

More than 110,000 people across the world were questioned by the GDS, including 5,283 Brits, between November 2019 to February 2020 – so before the coronavirus pandemic (đại dịch) tore through daily life.

It found that many Britons were drinking at dangerous levels (mức độ nguy hiểm), with more than five per cent of under-25s admitting to having sought emergency medical treatment (điều trị y tế khẩn cấp) after getting drunk, compared to a global average of two per cent.

Tags: beer

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