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Facebook 'cấm cửa' quân đội Myanmar...

The move, which also bars military-owned businesses (doanh nghiệp do quân đội nắm quyền) from advertising on Facebook, plunged the social network more directly into Myanmar’s post-coup politics (chính trị). The decision (quyết định) left little question that the company was taking the side of a pro-democracy movement (phong trào ủng hộ dân chủ) against a military government that had abruptly seized power (đột nhiên nắm quyền lực).

Facebook acted after years of criticism over how Myanmar’s military has used the site, including to incite hatred (kích động hận thù) against the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority group. Since the coup early this month, which ousted (đuổi, trục xuất, hất cẳng) the civilian leader (lãnh đạo dân sự) Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and returned Myanmar to full military rule, the military has repeatedly shut off the internet and cut access to major social media sites.

But even as the generals (các vị tướng) took measures to block Facebook, they have continued to use the platform as a channel to distribute propaganda (tuyên truyền). One of the first statements (tuyên bố, thông cáo) by the coup leader, Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, after the takeover was posted on the military’s official Facebook page.
Tags: technology

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