Rắn, rắn: Cứu tôi với

người phụ nữ séc kinh hãi vì phát hiện con rắn lớn cuộn tròn trong toa-lét, cảnh sát vội đến giải cứu thì hóa ra là... ỨT :D

The municipality police of the Czech town of Milovice had a rather smelly (nặng mùi, hôi, thối, ôi) case to deal with.

They received a phone call from a terrified (thất kinh, khiếp đảm) woman telling them that she found a snake in her toilet. She blocked the toilet and waited anxiously (lo lắng, bồn chồn) for the officers to rescue (giải cứu) her.

The police hurried to her apartment thinking how big of a snake can fit in a toilet bowl and what would be the best technique (kỹ thuật) to use for the capture (bắt rắn).

When they arrived at the scene (đến hiện trường), they found the toilet lid (nắp bồn cầu) covered by electronics the woman put there to prevent (ngăn chặn) the animal (con vật) from escaping (chạy thoát) to her flat (căn hộ).

One of the police officers gathered up courage and lifted the lid with the device on it.

As he didn’t end up bitten (bị cắn) and no creature (sinh vật, loài vật) managed to escape from under the lid, the officers used a flashlight (đèn pin) to investigate (điều tra) the insides of the toilet bowl.

What they found was, by no means, a venomous (có độc) snake, even though the shape (hình dạng) of the object did share some similarity (giống nhau).

Disgusted by the brown finding, they decided to eliminate it by flushing it to the place where such items belong.

They said their goodbyes to the embarrassed (xấu hổ) lady and left to solve another mysterious case (vụ việc kỳ bí).

Bài trước: Vui mà
Tags: funny


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