Chính sách chống Covid-19 đã thay đổi?

phong tỏa ko có tác dụng,

coronavirus ngoài tầm kiểm soát vì nó chưa bao giờ trong tầm kiểm soát, cơ chế sinh học ko theo mệnh lệnh của chính phủ...

Nevertheless, 85 per cent of Britons endorse (xác nhận, tán thành) lockdowns to suppress Covid-19, and the stricter the better. Yet liberal democracies have never before responded to contagious disease by rescinding (hủy bỏ, thủ tiêu) civil rights (quyền dân sự), repressing (ngăn chặn, đàn áp, trấn áp) family and social life and stifling (bóp nghẹt) their economies. Just as conspicuously, lockdowns, and the UK’s equivalent high-tier restrictions, demonstrably have not worked. Turn on the news: lockdown is not working now. The coronavirus is ‘out of control’ because it’s never been in control. Biology does not respond to government fiat, much less to absurd micromanaging like having to order a ‘substantial meal’ with a pint or classifying a coffee as a ‘picnic’. Joining some two dozen similar international studies, yet another peer-reviewed paper from Stanford University documented last week that while mild interventions like social distancing and appeals to the public have some epidemiological effect, lockdowns do not: ‘We fail to find an additional benefit of stay-at-home orders and business closures.’

Yet so imperviously (không tiếp thu được, trơ trơ) certain is the fact-proof popular belief in lockdown that anything I might write to debunk (bóc trần, vạch trần, lật tẩy) the policy will fall overwhelmingly on deaf ears. For many readers, I’ve merely revealed once more that I live in the same sort of dangerously deranged, even murderous, alternative universe as the ‘stop the steal’ camp that ransacked the US Capitol. Lockdown advocates have the numbers. But crowds are known for both wisdom and madness. And people believe what they want to believe. No one wants to imagine that they’ve made often drastic personal sacrifices and helped ravage their country into the bargain to no purpose. How can you be sure which of us is living in a delusional, self-reinforcing bubble?

Tags: health


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