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gã đàn ông đánh rắm trong xe uber, đã phải hầu tòa rồi đấy... :D

But the repercussion (tác động trở lại, ảnh hưởng; hậu quả) for the taxi driver was that he has returned to his native Bulgaria.

Drunken James Mallett let rip as Aleksander Bonchev was driving him to Chasers night club in Kingswood.

Bristol Crown Court heard it was the final straw (cọng rơm cuối cùng) for the cabby who, after suffering abuse from other fares, told Mallett to get out of his vehicle.

The court heard when Mallett left he reigned blows (đấm) on the driver, who knocked down Mallett in self-defence.

...She told Mallett: "Mr Bonchev sustained a broken finger (gãy ngón tay), he was unable to work, lost his job with Uber, lost his accommodation and lost his car.

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