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ăn trộm xe tải thì hóa ra là... xe của nhà tang lễ, vẫn còn quan tài và tử thi bên trong... :D
A funeral home (nhà tang lễ) van (xe tải) with a body inside was stolen in Missouri Thursday morning when the driver went into a convenience store and left it running, authorities said.

The vehicle was taken from the parking lot of a QuikTrip around 10 a.m. in St. Louis County.

The driver left the white 2012 Nissan NV1500 van running, and then the suspects hopped in and drove away, cops said.

The body of a woman was inside the vehicle during the theft.

Police say “William C Harris Funeral” was displayed on the side of the van and it had a green wreaths (vòng hoa, vòng hoa tang) with a “H” inside of them on the back.

Bài trước: Như trêu ngươi
Tags: funny


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