"Moral low ground" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy sống như vậy. Photo by Breanna Louise on Unsplash

"Moral low ground" -> nghĩa là lập trường hoặc quan điểm trái với đạo lý, không đáng tin khi so sánh với các lập trường, quan điểm khác.

Ví dụ
“Andrew Mlangeni is being praised (khen ngợi) by all for his integrity (chính trực), the fact that he was honest and didn’t steal from his people. That tells you a lot about the moral low ground in SA today. Shouldn’t it be normal to be honest and not steal from your people?” he said.

The refusal of the government to rescue migrant (nhập cư) boats adrift in the Maltese search-and-rescue zone is deeply disturbing and its justification for occupying the moral low ground unconvincing. Is absorption (thu hút) with the coronavirus truly a compelling enough reason to shelve Malta’s international obligation to save lives?

African states and Australian aborigines (thổ dân) have been equally vocal in claiming their artistic and religious heritage (di sản). Some have been successful as there’s a growing conscience among ex-colonial powers that they occupy the moral low ground on these issues.

This is one issue where both sides of the political divide wallow (đầm mình) in the moral low ground. There are currently no plans for tougher sentences for possession of cocaine. Why would there be?

Ngọc Lân

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