Vì sao giá cổ phiếu GameStop tăng điên cuồng?

vì một loạt "các nhà đầu tư" nam giới thiếu sex (nên hung hãn)... :D
In the middle of a stock market (thị trường chứng khoán) debacle (thất bại, sụp đổ, tan rã hoàn toàn) that most people are only pretending to understand — it involves GameStop? GameStop is suddenly worth all of the money but simultaneously (đồng thời) worth none of the money? — a professor (giáo sư) from New York University’s business school put forth a simplified analysis (phân tích đơn giản) for why tanking companies were now being strategically (một cách chiến lược) overvalued (định giá quá cao) by day traders.

“It’s about sex,” Scott Galloway tweeted in a viral thread earlier this week. “Specifically, young men not having (enough) sex.” Regularly available sex, Galloway argued, was a stabilizing force that led to “relationships, obligations and guardrails.” When sex was lacking, men were forced to act out: “Arm young men, in a basement, not at work, not having sex, not forming connection, with an RH account, a phone and stimulus and you have the perfect storm (cơn bão) of volatility (biến động) as they wage war against established players.”

Give the basement men sex, implied this tweet thread. Or they will take down the economy.

Bài trước: Rất bức xúc
Tags: sex


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